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  7. ขอเชิญชวนร่วมสัมมนาออนไลน์ A condensed matter physics class and a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) with the MIT Atomic-Scale Modeling Toolkit จาก nanoHUB

ขอเชิญชวนร่วมสัมมนาออนไลน์ A condensed matter physics class and a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) with the MIT Atomic-Scale Modeling Toolkit จาก nanoHUB

Public information

This week we are holding the first part of two webinars on using the MIT Atomic-Scale Modeling Toolkit in a course on condensed matter physics. As part of this nanoHUB Back to School series session, Dr. David Strubbe will share how he uses the toolkit to illustrate concepts and involve students in undergraduate research at UC Merced.

Please feel free to share this invitation with your colleagues. Learn more and register below.


Wednesday, October 12, 2022 from 12:00 – 1:00 PM EDT

Register Here


A condensed matter physics class and a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) with the MIT Atomic-Scale Modeling Toolkit

David Strubbe, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at the University of California, Merced

In part one of this series, Dr. Strubbe will discuss how he uses the MIT Atomic-Scale Modeling Toolkit as a part of his undergraduate and graduate class on condensed matter physics. He starts by using simulations to illustrate concepts such as covalent bonding, bandstructure, phonons, and magnetic phase transitions. The course culminates in a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE), in which students make their own contribution to research by calculating structural, electronic and vibrational properties of a 2D material alloy for their final project.

In part two of this series, which will be held on Oct. 26, Dr. Enrique Guerrero will focus in more detail on the Quantum ESPRESSO module within this toolkit, which was updated with new functionalities to enable the student research projects. Registration for part two of the series will be available soon.

Bio: David Strubbe is an assistant professor of physics at the University of California, Merced, and has been using and developing in nanoHUB since 2008. He received a BS in chemistry and physics from the University of Chicago in 2005 and a PhD in physics with designated emphasis in nanoscale science and engineering from UC Berkeley in 2012. He did postdoctoral research in the MIT Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and in 2016 joined the faculty at UC Merced, where he is also affiliated with the chemistry and materials science programs. He has received the NSF CAREER award and the Cottrell Scholar Award from the Research Corporation for Science Advancement, and is currently working on co-organizing the Electronic Structure Workshop and Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP).

We hope you will join us!



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